Military blogger Colby Buzzell is going back to Iraq

Colby Buzzell, a military blogger who published the book My War: Killing Time in Iraq, which started as a blog, has been recalled to the Army to go back to Iraq, according to his blog. Colby has been in the Individual Ready Reserves since leaving active duty several years ago. Here is what he said in his book about if he was ever called recalled:

If I ever get a phone call saying, “Hello, Mr. Buzzell, this is the United States Army calling to congratulate you on being called back to active duty!” I swear to God I’ll say, “Dude, I’m way too stoned right now to be talking to you, hold on. Here, talk to my live-in boyfriend Stevie, and tell him exactly what you just told me, but make it quick, because me and him are about to make love to each other, now that these Ectsasy pills that we swallowed are kicking in.”

Here’s what he really said earlier this May to the San Francisco Chronicle when he got his IRR Recall letter.

I read his book while I was in Iraq, and even wrote a blog about how one of his book passages applied to my situation there.

And here’s a youtube clip of Colby after being awarded the second annual “Blooker prize” for best book that began as a blog on the Internet. He discusses the role of military bloggers and how they are acting as citizen journalists and provide aspects to the war that traditional journalists can’t obtain.

If you would like to know more about Colby, his book or his blog, click on MY WAR on my blogroll.

5 Responses to Military blogger Colby Buzzell is going back to Iraq

  1. […] Military blogger Colby Buzzell is going back to IraqColby Buzzell, a military blogger who published the book My War: Killing Time in Iraq, which started as a blog, has been recalled to the Army to back to Iraq, according to his blog. Colby has been in the Individual Ready Reserves since … […]

  2. This is hilarious. I used to do this when people called for clothing donations. “Hey Dad, we done with them strait-jackets? Wasn’t Momma gonna need them for her next stint?” I wonder if he actually did say this over the phone and if so, if he would actually get into trouble.

  3. JT says:

    The TRUTH should never be censored. If the war is vulgar, let that be known. If it is wrong, let that be know. And yes, if anyone ever finds a war to be like Club Med, that should be known as well.

    Sending the same people back again like this is unacceptable. Stop-loss (keeping troops beyond their time-based enlistment) ought to be criminal. When a man or woman has completed their contractual obligation, that must be the end of their risk. We (The People) don’t even provide them with any additional incentives for that risk!

    Colby, be well, be safe, and don’t let ’em put you into more dangerous missions than necessary. You know what I’m referring to. Or if ya want, tell ’em I’m your boyfriend and stay here in the States instead. You’ve already served, and more than most, by bringing us the Truth.

  4. Janie Camacho says:

    I just finished reading your book 15 min ago. Stop-Loss should be unconstitutional because it’s a breach of contract and for so many other reasons. If they do that, then they should pay you the amount of money it took you for boot camp as a bonus. You don’t have to go through that again. That’s a lot of money the Army is saving so they should share, don’t you think?

    I HOPE that Lt. Damon Armeni is better than the last time I read about him. I hope his family is coping. Because of that possibility, my son made it clear that he would rather be unpluged if something like that happends. He’s in Iraq right now. But I’m selfish in a way to see him have some kind of life than no life at all. Yeah, I cryed a lot when I read it. What’s a mom to do?
    I need to ask for a huge favor: Now that you’re being force to go back, I need to read your take on it. It’ll be kind of like a Stop-Loss. If you send an email to your friends, family, fellow soldier, you’ll be sending your day-to-day. Without your approval, that person can put it in the blog. Stop-Loss to the 1st Amendment. You cannot be in control to what people do with their letters, email, or telephone calls. Just when you thought you were out (of the Army/Bloggin) someone else brings you back in. Of course, how could the US govenment supress the first amendment in the home land? They mess with that, they mess with “We The People”.

    I can’t be there for my son but I want to be able to relate about he went through when he comes home. How does a soldier relate/talk to a civilian? You know it’s not easy unless that person went through what you went through, you’ll never see eye to eye. How can I understand if I’ve never been. You’re needed for more than the sum of your parts (I hope they stay in tact). More than a soldier, commorad, citizen, friend, husband, son, etc.

  5. Damon Armeni says:

    I am much better now Janie; in fact I am in command of a Cavalry Troop and prepared to go back to Iraq again should I be needed.

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